This portfolio entitled: 'L'AME DU TAROT DE THELEME' is made up of an unpublished text by Matta illustrated by five original etchings signed by the artist, 100 copies numbered from...
This portfolio entitled: "L'AME DU TAROT DE THELEME" is made up of an unpublished text by Matta illustrated by five original etchings signed by the artist, 100 copies numbered from 1 to 100, 20 out-of-market copies numbered from I to XX and 20 copies of the artist numbered E.A. 1 to 20 were printed. For this edition produced by InEditor, from Atelier Dupont-Visat; the text composed in Garamond was printed by the typographical printer P.I.U.F.; the engravings were printed on the presses the portfolio was produced by Atelier Bernard Duval Finished printing May 6, 1994, in Paris, on behalf of Thomas R. Monahan and l'Inéditor